Three Helpful Tips To Consider When Selecting Quality Kaiser Rolls

3 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Kaiser rolls are a popular type of bread characterized by their crusty consistency and star-like configuration. There are so many great-tasting recipes for these rolls as well. If you're looking to purchase some for a quick snack, these selection tips will prove helpful. Assess Freshness  One of the most important things to assess with kaiser rolls is their freshness. Probably the best way to determine the freshness of these rolls is to inspect them in person. Read More 

Frymaster Deep Fryer: Common Power & Filtration Issues Solved

10 February 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Your Frymaster deep fryer can malfunction for several reasons. The following will help you get your Frymaster working again and may save you money on service fees. Power Troubles and Some Simple Solutions You should consider the following points, which may resolve the issue you are having: You might not have thought about it, but the problem with your deep fryer may be that your main gas valve is closed. All you have to do is locate the valve, and open it. Read More 

Kid Friendly Indian Entrees

8 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

One of the best ways to expose your kids to other culture is by taking them out and letting them try different types of cuisine. Here are a few kid-friendly entrees you should try the next time you take your kids out for Indian food. Dal Makhani This dish is made with Indian lentils. The lentils are cooked in a mixture of tomato puree, butter, and loads of spices such as ginger, garlic, bay leaves, cloves, and cinnamon. Read More 

5 Ways To Save Money On Catering For Your Wedding

5 November 2014
 Categories: , Blog

If you are preparing for your wedding, you are probably surprised by just how much everything costs. You might also assume that wedding catering is going to be very expensive, but it doesn't have to be. If you follow these five tips for saving money on catering for your wedding, you can shave down costs while still serving your guests a wonderful meal. 1. Serve Appetizers Instead Who says that you have to serve a huge meal at your wedding? Read More